Noetic Positivism & Vlad K. Once (video essay)

Noetic Positivism & Vlad K. Once (video essay)
...."The spirit of freedom of a people is expressed by its artists and composers. The dignity and honour of a people are determined by its politicians and academics. The wisdom and hope of a people - in its thinkers and writers"..... ' The Σ (Sigma) Passion' A science novel by Vlad K Once

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Tuesday 29 March 2011

DUAL ECHO OF TRUTH... (essay).

                                             Vlad K Once web site..
...Continuing our discussion of the role of the upper class in society, Viktor’s contribution was to say that in his opinion a real upper class has only been able to be considered and can only be considered a social elite if, while concerning itself with its own interests, it never once forgets about the interests of the population in which it is institutionalised, and whose elite or upper class it is regarded as being.  This means not forgetting about the interests of the section of society that it exploits and thus concerning itself with a system for its continuous renewal and development.  The representative of such an elite does not think that he can stuff his pockets and make a quick getaway, no: he has to concern himself with people’s right to remain people.  Otherwise, people who have no rights soon turn into slaves.  But even sooner they start to hate those who have deprived them of these rights, and hate them for it with an animal passion.  Therefore the representative of an elite, while thinking of his interests, of the comfort of his personal circumstances, of himself, will never forget that those whom he exploits need their own comfort and posterity: he can’t – never mind the degree of exploitation involved – if the process, in this case a process of man’s exploitation by man, is to be of a rational and long-lasting nature. 
After all, in any event some kind of upper class will always emerge, whether it be hereditary, appointed or, as is now the accepted case, elective.  The upper class will in any event, in one way or another, exploit the majority beneath it and the form of this exploitation will be determined by, among other things, the state of development and, most of all, the level of culture of the elite wielding power.  Is this not the way in which the social contract works, or should be honoured
But if it operates under different rules, for example those of ‘social Darwinism’, when the ‘powers that be’ in a de jure capacity exercise control de facto by force, without actually meeting the requirements of the social order, then there is no way of avoiding conflict within the society.  In order to keep the seething mass ‘reined in’, while maintaining the appearance of legitimacy for their actions, modern feudal rulers invite endless Muggins and Buggins’ teams of ‘political consultancy professionals’ equipped with modern PR and NLPR technologies, in order for these ‘specialists’ to manufacture or ‘tailor’ a high-quality outfit or disguise, so as to present the ‘saviour’ or ‘champion of democratic ideals’ image that the patriotism consultant specialises in.  These people are therefore constantly forced to put on various guises that in fact mask ever more weird ‘images’, which may quite possibly also turn out to be unreal.  And all this for the sake of ensuring that the people, or the electorate, in whose midst these ‘champions of ideals’ operate, should be prevented for as long as possible from seeing their true essence and should perceive them as whatever they are pretending to be at the time.  But they (these ruler-underwriters and their kind) are, as a rule, haughty, arrogant, conceited and big-headed.  And it is only lest they be seen as such, whether by those close to them or by the majority, that they are forced to put on their various guises, showing those around them in this way the ‘right’ imperatives ‘for today’, demonstrating by their conduct and ‘outfits’ what is ‘in fashion’ today or what it is ‘acceptable’ to consider up to date, and surrounding themselves with other false faces like their own.  And when a society has more and more of these people in guises, then people without guises, to put it mildly, stick out like a sore thumb or like sacrificial victims, perhaps because they are tired of it all and cannot or do not wish to follow the endless leapfrogging change of political ‘masks’ and their owners.
Teenage movements like the hippy, punk, goth, or emo and many other similar ‘informal’ movements come from the psyche of the child acutely sensing the contradictions between the real and the necessary, the proper and the actual in society.  And this is the reason they come together, they are looking for common understanding, empathy, common suffering.  Why on earth should they try on for size whatever common dirty clothing is used by people without principles, slaves to their own amorality and to the flesh.  They do not wish to live by the laws of deception, or of a ‘difficult geopolitical situation’,  for some contrived purpose that sensible people free of vices find unnatural, and which changes with the way the political wind blows (whatever the wind, it is the lot of the weathervane to stay in one spot) when an undereducated trickster who has got his hands on the levers of political power hides his personal incompetence under labels of social needs or dangers to the public, and refashions the laws of society and public morality to suit himself.  The one thing is inseparable from the other.  Our children do not wish to become like that – which is why we get these ‘informal’ movements, expressions of a collective, implicit fellow-feeling, empathy, common suffering.  Who else can tell the emperor he has no clothes?  Only a holy fool or a child.  Who do they become, these children, when they grow up?....

'The ∑ (Sigma) Passion'     science novel  by Vlad K Once

Copyright © 2010 Vlad K Once

part of  'One of Us' book

part of  'The Chance Confession' book 

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